Friday, January 23, 2009

warm up:
tabata row
3 clapping push ups
6 jumping pull ups
9 box jumps
4 rnds
tabata russian kbs @ 24kg

max reps of body weight back squats
50 american kb swings @ 24kg
5 rnds w/ 5 min rest between rnds

pull ups
clapping push ups

post squat reps from each round & pull/push time for score


  1. name bodyweight/mod
    squat reps/cookie time

    girl jessie 152/95/20#kb
    15,10,8,8,7 15:31

    josh c 189/185/16kg
    9,7,5,5,9 23:31

    josh k 170/95
    10,14,12,10,12 DNA

    turbo j 155/rxd
    60,40,35,30,30 7:35

    caleb 165/rxd
    30,20,19,17,16 10:00

    devin 150/155
    15,13,10,8,9 11:18

    angela 173/135/16kg
    8,7,7,7,8 16:50 step ups vice claps

    josh g 175/rxd
    30,25,25 DNF

    lisa 115/75/20#kb
    15,13,15,12,15 13:15 band pull, mod claps

    jenn 115/75/20#kb
    14,9,9,8,8 17:28 band pull, mod claps

  2. I will have to do this tomorrow. My computer fried on me.

    You know you are hooked on Crossfit when: "You take the vacation money and risk having a mad wife. Just so you can go buy a computer to check out the Crossfit Jax WODS"

    Have fun!
