Friday, January 30, 2009

warm up:
5rnds of cindy
10 burpee broadjumps
20 full kb swings @ 24kg
30 chest ups (pull ups w/ chest to bar)
40 ghd back extensions
50 abmat situps

2000m row
5min rest
1000m row
3min rest
500m row
1min rest
100 double unders
3min rest
150 double unders
5min rest
200 double unders

post row times & double under times


  1. an interesting pattern emerged from this workout. provided you were somewhat coordinated enough to peform the double unders, a reverse mirror image from the times descending from the long to the short row and ascending from low to high rep double unders, was evident from those who were able to do it prescribed. obviously, the distance in the row decreased by half, meaning one's times should be cut in half whereas the double unders increased and the times should reflect respectively.

    for those who had to modify this workout and could not perform and execute a double under, you need to go out and by a skip/jump rope and practice this movement. the coordination/agility/balance/stamina attributes that it elicits is vital to everything CrossFit. if you modified this, then you did not get the same workout compared to the person who did it rx'd. it's analogous to one person sprinting and another person jogging...yes, they both 'worked out' but one person clearly moved and worked harder while the other merely just moved.

    if you can perform and properly execute a double under, then you can perform might take you forever, but you can at least say that you completed the reps as prescribed.

  2. name
    row times
    double under times

    kyle r
    8:51 / 4:16 / 1:57
    3:00 / dnf / dnf

    9:21 / 4:29 / 2:01

    jessie k
    9:50 / 4:51 / 2:13
    1:03 / 1:50 / 2:23

    7:21 / 3:36 / 1:41
    2:29 / 4:54 / 7:40

    11:09 / 5:33 / 2:42
    4:31 / 7:40 / 8:05

    9:28 / 4:47 / 1:50
    2:02 / 3:48 / 5:51

    8:00 / 3:57 / 1:54
    1:15 / 3:55 / 6:54

    kyle k
    7:22 / 3:35 / 1:41
    1:27 / 3:15 / 4:32

    jeff s
    7:36 / 3:42 / 1:44
    2:17 / 2:58 / 4:00

    7:37 / 3:49 / 1:46
    9:00 / 13:33 / dnf

    dr j
    7:27 / 3:40 / 1:39
    1:32 / 2:58 / 4:07

    8:18 / 4:00 / 1:50
    3:01 / 3:58 / 4:49

    matt n
    8:04 / 3:48 / 1:49
    3:49 / 4:18 / 10:30

  3. Guy / 175 / No Rowing machine
    The Bear 7 Reps / 5 Rounds 115# / rest 2 min-max sit ups in 5 min19:35 / 100
    Power Clean
    Front Squat
    Push Press
    Push Press

    Done as one continuous movement-power clean into a front squat, up into a push press down to back squat, then up into push press= 1 Rep

  4. Yes, it was a very interesting WOD today. Warm up and workout had it in them.

    du's- 9:49/15:00/dnf (gym closed)

    didn't cound the 1000's of singles btw.
    Thanks again!
