Saturday, December 13, 2008

Perform the following movements at each station every minute on the minute beginning with 1 rep the first minute, 2 reps the second minute and so on all the way up to 10. One minute rest between stations.

station 1:
-pull ups
-air squats

station 2:
-american kbs 32kg
-abmat situps
-double unders

station 3:
-45# thrusters
-push ups
-box jumps

Post max rounds completed at each station for score.


  1. avery 7/10/8
    james 6/10/8
    eddy 9/9/10
    jason 10/10/10
    caleb 10/10/10
    james r 4/6/8
    jeff s 10/10/10
    guy 8/9/9
    cav 7/10/9
    mego 7/10/7
    jenn 5/5/5 mod pu/jpu's

  2. Dang I'm a tard and should have taken tonight off. You guys have fun tonight and I'll just have to look foward to the 2nd annual Xmas party!

    -Chris J.

  3. robert 7/8/9 Subbed tuck jumps instead of double unders.
