Wednesday, December 17, 2008

50 reps each of the following for time:
burpee pull ups
push press @ 75#
ghd sit ups
sdlhp @ 75#
ghd back extensions
jumping ball slams @ 16#
russian kbs @ 24kg
tire sledgehammers
ring kte
thrusters @ 75#

post mod/time for score


  1. name / bodyweight / mod / time

    davis / 183 / 65#thruster / 36:22
    josh c / 190 / rx / 57:10
    christian / 150 / rx / 41:00
    jv / 125 / 65#thruster / 49:11
    kevin / 155 / rx / 41:31
    lisa / 118 / cindy jpu 13rnds
    todd / 210 / rx / 42:09
    brad / 242 / rx / 48:08
    barrett / 145 / rx / 35:49
    tom / 185 / rx / 30:40
    cav / 164 / abmat situps / 43:35
    bill / 200 / rx / 44:49
    dr j / 177 / rx / 37:29
    sherry / 118 / 45# / 48:08
    kyle k / 180 / rx / 36:30
    josh k / 16kg kb 65#thruster / 60:11
    lux / 160 / rx / 33:53
    matt n / 185 / rx / 53:35
    jenn / 116 / 45# jpu / 58:56
    turbo / 155 / rx / 27:48
    rey / 215 / rx / 53:43
    lorena / 128 / jpu 45# 16kg kbs / 60:06

  2. Very good, to bad Chris "couldnt" partake...

  3. **Insert smile face here**

  4. A note to all the "closet Modifiers" out there:
    It is accebtable to modify the Rx'd workout to perserve form or b/c you simply cant do the weight.
    It is not acceptable to modify the workout to get a faster time and then claim it was done Rx'd.
    65lbs is not the same as 75lbs.
    1/2 ROM is not the same as full ROM.
    the womens hammer is not the same as the mens.
    Knees to triceps is not knees to elbows.
    12lb ball slams are not 16lb ball slams...etc

    If you must mod your workout, please list it as such.

  5. anonymous, great point and you are absolutely correct in your statements.

    however comma
    as it is in life, only you can prevent forest fires...get it?

    in other words, you are the only one in this world that has control over your thoughts, actions and deeds. one can't make others do what they want them to do. if others are doing something they shouldn't be doing, that is on them to live with it. thats on a grand scale.

    pertaining to crossfit and the wods, there will always be cheaters; those who scale/mod because of fear or because their insecurities get the best of them...or...they simply just don't care. DO NOT LET THEM GET THE BEST OF YOU. do the best that YOU can in every workout. if you know you did it correctly and gave it all you had, then you my friend, can live through the rest of the day with integrity and pride.

    personally, i have witnessed on many accounts individuals who intentionally skip reps, rounds, shorten the run route, shorten their row in order to get a 'fast' time. at first i would get pissed, since after all, this is a competition i.e. 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd. but you have to understand why we do what we do. it isn't about what time you got or how heavy your lift was. its overall improvement in your performance for YOU. screw what the other person is doing/not doing.

    i know the aggravation, frustration and irritation that you feel when you know damn well someone 'cheated'. but just like mom said, "they only cheat themselves" and its so true. if they're doing it in a workout, they're doing it elsewhere in their life. sad.

    moral? do for you and not for others when it comes to competition. know why you're doing it and know where you're going. with these thoughts in your mind, it won't matter what who did what when where how.

  6. Good afternoon over there!

    Well, this workout really kicked my butt...

    I subbed clean and jerks 75# for jumping ball slams. (Don't have one of those 16# balls.) For tire sledgehammers, I did dips. (thats missing too!)

    For all that fun I needed
    I had to set up my bars 2 because somebody else thought they needed them more....

    ya'll take it easy,
