Monday, November 3, 2008

5 rounds:
-10 115# overhead squats
-10 115# hang cleans
-10 115# split jerks
2 minute rest in between rounds.


  1. form/technique emphasized today. one could have blitzed thru this for time with speed & power-endurance the focus, however, we all can take a performance-based workout and strip it to its essence and make it a skill development session.

    just because a workout isn't scored doesnt mean it isn't measured. in sport, you practice to prepare for the game. think of today as practice for the many 'games' we have which are indeed performance/glycolytic based training sessions.

    we will put emphasis more on strength and power the next couple of weeks but this doesn't mean we will let-up on the firebreathing, lung-deteriorating workouts that make you wish you never existed. in crossfit, we say we don't specialize, but if all we do is crossfit - constantly randomized varied functional movements at high intensity - then, umm yeah...we are specializing. if we don't have a purpose in what we are doing then what is it really, are we doing? 10 general physical skills? got it. broad, general, inclusive? check. measurable, observable, repeatable? you betcha. but from here on out, we will focus and emphasize more on an aspect of the 10 skills from time to time.

    the only limitations we have is with ourselves and this goes for anything in life. limiting our programming to just three metabolic systems and constructing our regimen within these systems can only slow us down. we will prove that we can mix any combination of the three in any way, shape, fashion and form and come out better than how we started...if life can do it to us, we can do it to life. we don't have the luxury of programming the future and what life can do to us and what it will do to us...who says we can't do the same with our training?

    quit bitching, whining and crying about what is laid out before you. the beauty of the freedom of choice is just that - you have the choice to do what's on the board, or you can choose not to. but remember, if you choose not to, for whatever reason/lie/excuse you give yourself or to others, you have no right to critique or comment about it, for you have not earned the right to do so (read 'man in the arena' by roosevelt right now). you're better off doing something you're comfortable with because your fear of failure...fear itself makes cowards of us all...drink the kool-aid, trust in the trainers and the training and open your mind even more than you think you have it opened and you'll soon realize that you have what it takes to change.


  2. beautifully written. I can't agree more. Make it a fucking monster mash, then stand back and watch the monsters that rise from the ash.

  3. i got the a match?

  4. Burn the motha
