Monday, February 4, 2008


5 sets of 9 reps, or
9 sets of 5 reps of the following:
- barbell thrusters
- pull ups


Thrusters - stand with bar held in proper rack position; perform a front squat where the hip crease is below the knee joint while STILL maintaining lumber curve. From here, explode (thrust) back into starting position and pressing the bar overhead in frontal plane simultaneous with hip/knee extension.

Pull ups - dead hang from bar with elbows locked out. Pull with arms until AT LEAST your chin is over the bar.

If you can not perform the above with proper form, then scale load as necessary. If you still can not perform them correctly, then do not use any load. If you still can not perform them correctly, then you have no reason at all to 'time' your WOD. Your mission in life at this point is to perform the movement correctly and this might take you a lifetime. Enjoy the ride.

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