Saturday, January 19, 2008


8 intervals of each exercise below (20 seconds of work followed immediately by 10 seconds of rest equates to 1 interval).  After 8 intervals, rotate to the next exercise.  No rest between exercises.  Calculate total number of reps for score (calories burned for the rower).

- Wall ball shots
- Sumo deadlift high-pulls
- Box jumps
- Push press
- Rower

Group 1
David 174
Juju 235
Cory 274
Amber 336
Becky 212

Group 2
Art 255
Whit 312
Jon 284
Swaygo 335

Group 3
Bobby 253
Cavanaugh 276
Zach 380

4 rounds for time of the following:

400m run
Overhead squats 95lbs, 15 reps

Chris R 15:17
Faith (65lbs) 19:19
Meghan (65lbs) 21:38

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