Wednesday, December 12, 2007


For time:
-100 pull ups
-100 push ups
-100 sit ups
-100 squats

Kyle - 15:55
Zach - 15:45
Whit - 16:32
Swaygo - 18:22
Jason - 18:30

CFJ welcomes Chris "Swaygo" and Jason! They both had their first CF workout and blazed through Angie in under 20 minutes. Awesome effort fellas! Hope to see you two soon.

Welcome home to Tim Bierbach, Colleen's husband. They both came in tonight and warped their way through the following for 5 rounds:

-Deadlift, 15 reps (Tim 135lbs, Colleen 65lbs)
-400m run
-30 sit ups

Tim - 21:19 RX'd
Colleen - 18:29

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