Monday, October 22, 2012


As I sit down to write this I’m thinking, ‘What do I know?  What topic am I an expert in? And why will people want to listen to what I have to say?’  So, here’s my plan… I am going to write about what ALL I know; which is what I’ve lived and breathed for more than 3 years.

Each person’s CrossFit journey is different, but I can almost guarantee you that every person comes into it with a goal, or goals, in mind. There is no right or wrong answer, and no one goal is better than another. It’s completely dependent on the individual. For me, my goal was dead serious. As in, I don’t want to be dead when I’m 45, so let’s get serious. I was more than 100 pounds overweight before I started CrossFit.  At 22 years old I tipped the scales at 240 pounds (at this point I stopped weighing myself, so who’s to say what the real numbers looked like).  It sounds completely cliché, but after years of watching this happen to my body (I literally sat back and watched it happen), and basically accepting myself as everyone’s “fat friend”, I had an “A-ha” moment : Either I get off the pity pot and DO SOMETHING, or I continue down the path of obesity.

Easier said than done, right? Yes, abso-freaking-lutely. After a move across the country, no job, and other changing logistics in my life, I was suddenly facing the most INTENSE workout regimen that’s out there!  I was starting CrossFit with a bunch of shirtless dudes.  #scaredshirtless.  I was terribly uncomfortable in my own skin, but again, ‘Get off the pity pot, Katie’. So, I did it.  I made the commitment and I dove in head first. I couldn’t afford not to try. And guess what? It was the hardest thing I’d ever done in my life (for the record it’s still the hardest thing I have EVER done).  Changing your life is NOT EASY, nor should it be. Nothing worth having is ever easy, is it?  But you do it. You take it one day, one WOD, one minute at a time, and you get through it. And pretty soon things start happening – to your body, your mind, your soul, your heart, your LIFE.  The rewards outweigh the hard work, the blood, sweat, tears and even the vomit.

We come into this CrossFit journey with certain goals. But what happens when (YES!!) we meet those goals??  We change and adapt and reassess. We make new goals. Our journey is never done. It’s never complete.  It just looks different.  This is my LIFE. It’s messy and it’s hard. There will always be peaks and valleys. It’s up to me how I choose to move forward and push through the mess.  This is CrossFit and this is how we live.  We set our goals, we choose to forge, and we will never quit.  Where are you today with your goals?  Are you still on the pity pot?  We want you to be here with us either way.  There is a place inside our walls for you; you come as you are and CrossFit will take care of the rest. 

Katie Patty

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