Monday, September 3, 2012


In honor of Special Warfare Operator (SEAL) 2nd Class David Warsen, 27 years old, killed in action in Afghanistan on August 16, 2012.  Davey (as he was called) was a BUD/S classmate and close friend of two CFJAX alums, Whit & Kyle.  This workout is in remembrance of Davey.

BUD/S class 279
SEAL Team 3
MK48 machine gunner
27 minute amrap:
rope climbs x 2
105/75 ground to overhead x 7
105/75 overhead walking lunge x 9

27 minutes for his age.  Rep scheme is 2-7-9 for his BUD/S class.  105# is 48kg, as he was the MK48 gunner.  This is a triplet for him being a member of SEAL Team 3.

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