Friday, May 11, 2012

FEATURED MEMBERS - Daryle & Lindsey (almost!) Barnard

CrossFit JAX is excited to announce our new featured members.  That’s right, I said members, plural.  These two may have pending nuptials, but no ball and chain can hold them down!  Daryle Barnard and Lindsey Mansfield are a shining example of what dedication, hard work, and integrity look like. With the purchase of their new home and an approaching wedding, Daryle and Lindsey are on top of the world - and on top of their game.  I had the pleasure of picking their brains and realized that these two are some of CFJAX’s best kept secrets.  Quiet and seemingly in the background, they seem to pose no threat.   But watch out!  They have focus, maturity and guts that I bet you don’t know about! Both Daryle and Lindsey are Jacksonville natives.  Daryle is a financial advisor while Lindsey is a student pursuing a career as an Occupational Therapist Assistant.  Daryle joined CrossFit in January 2011 at the suggestion of a friend who got real results.  He later introduced Lindsey to CFJAX (as we tend to do with the ones we love!).  Let’s see what they had to say in our interview.

CFJAX:  So Daryle & Lindsey, tell me a little about your athletic backgrounds…
DB:  I really never did any organized sports growing up but in my 20’s my buds kind of turned me on to the gym, and I also started running races; mostly ½ marathons.
LM:  I did all kinds of dancing for about 13 years; tap, jazz, ballet.  I was also a cheerleader and on the swim team for my school.  As an adult I dabbled in DanceTrance and random cardio workouts.
CFJAX:  Lindsey, I recall seeing you at several Bring-A-Friend days before you ever signed up, why the delay?
LM: (Laughing) Well, it certainly wasn’t because of the staff or members.  As a matter of fact, that was the thing that drew me in the most.  Everyone was SO nice and welcoming and encouraging.
CFJAX:  Then what gives? Cough it up!?!
LM:  I was SO nervous.  I just needed to get my head right.
CFJAX:  Well I can definitely sympathize with you there as I am quite sure other members can.  But then you do the baseline workout at your intro and there was a change.  Tell me about it.
LM:  Oh my gosh, I was so PUMPED! All I could think afterwards was “Lets do this!”.
CFJAX:  That’s awesome and you can tell you still show up every day with a “let’s do this” attitude! Daryle, I hear you love double unders.  What is it about them that gets you going?
DB:  First off, you are either way mistaken or are teasing me because I loathe double unders.  I will never forget my first WOD because those jokers were in the workout and I was so angry that I could not do them, that I bought my own rope and worked on them every day until I could!
CFJAX:  Wow! That’s what I call determination to succeed! Well, now that we know what you don’t like in a WOD, care to tell us what your favorite WOD is?
DB:  I’m kind of an odd ball, I prefer long workouts, 20 to 30 minutes I’d say.
CFJAX:  An odd ball or an endurance athlete! Lindsey, what about you?
LM:  I really love TABATA workouts or any kind of interval sprints!
CFJAX:  Opposites really do attract! Love it! Something that is absolutely the same that I have noticed in both of you since you started CF, is how much your bodies have leaned out.  Tell me how you have accomplished this and also about any other changes you have noticed.
LM:  My energy level has skyrocketed and my clothes are definitely too big now! Participation in the challenges have been key for us.  Really helped us to dial in our nutrition, which helps in our workouts too.  CF has given Daryle and I something to enjoy together and something to talk about and encourage each other with everyday.
DB:  I totally agree.  We now have some goals we can work towards together and play sports and be competitive as adults, but not compete against each other.  My running has also greatly improved.  POSE running has changed my life and the POSErs program helped me to dial in my running and obtain new PR’s all the while feeling easier! I don’t hit “the wall” anymore.
CFJAX:  That is great to hear.  Both of you have been so successful with the challenges, PR’s, skill enhancement and life in general. What advice do you have for new members here at CFJAX?
LM:  Participate.  Have fun and listen to everything your coaches tell you. Most of all, be patient.
DB:  I totally agree with the patience aspect.  Check your ego at the door and do what is best for you.  Be your own athlete!

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