Sunday, September 25, 2011


CrossFit JAX is excited to announce Anthony Giovannetti as our newest Featured Athlete!   From day one Anthony has continued to impress us with his dedication and enthusiasm.  Since joining CFJAX he has found a new love for fitness.  He finds himself working harder and faster than the day before every time he walks through the doors.  He’s not only been disciplined at the box, but also at home by being dialed in on his nutrition.  Recently, Anthony came in first place in our Zone Challenge, losing 16lbs in just 30 days!  His efforts has inspired his wife, Laura, to join the Hot Box after seeing his amazing results.  I sat down with Anthony to talk about his journey and how it’s affected his life.  If this doesn’t inspire you, I’m not sure what will!       

How did you hear about CrossFit and what interested you about the program?
  • I have friends in different cities that are members of CrossFit gyms.  They were always talking about how they hated working late because they couldn’t go to the gym.  I couldn’t grasp it because I thought, “who wants to go to the gym?”  When I moved to Jacksonville, Laura and I were looking for a place to workout.  We had always been a part of the big globo gyms with the plush towels in the bathrooms, so that is what we were hoping to find.  We couldn’t find what we were looking for so I buckled down and Google’d CrossFit.  That is how I found CFJAX.
I heard it took you a while before you joined.  When did you actually become a member and what were the driving factors?
  • Well, I scheduled an intro, and then canceled, then scheduled again, and canceled again.  I must have done that at least 4 times.  When I finally came in and did my baseline workout, I threw up…a few times.  Never in my life had I pushed myself to the limit of throwing up in a workout.  I was a little intimidated at first, but also curious as to what kind of people work themselves out to they point of throwing up!  It took me another couple of weeks but I realized I needed a change so I finally joined in April of this year.
Amazing!  So the baseline wasn’t the best experience for you, I can’t imagine what your first WOD was.  Do tell….
  •           My first WOD was Tillman.  It looked a lot worse than it ended up being.  The class was somewhat big and I was in the very back with DJ.  He helped me through the whole thing.  This is when I first realized that this wasn’t just a group of meat heads working out, but a community of people who are there to help and encourage each other.  It was really cool.
So then what is your favorite WOD?  Lift?
  • -       I don’t really have a favorite, but I like the heavy days coupled with a short metcon.  Also, the day that we worked on the split jerk was one of my favorite days.
You started as a Silver member coming three days a week, but you have since upgraded to a Gold membership.  What was that progression, and when did you decide to become a Gold member?
  • -       I signed up for Silver initially because I knew that if I was paying for three times a week that I would come three times a week.  I had to get myself motivated.  I did that for the first 4 months.  Then one day I realized that some of the people I was chasing on the white board had their names up there more than mine.  They were coming in more frequently than I was and I couldn’t let that happen so I decided to upgrade to Gold.
By the way, congratulations on winning the Zone challenge!  Was this the first time you decided to dial in on your nutrition, or were you already working on it?
  • -       When I first signed up for CrossFit, I thought that the Paleo and Zone were nutty.  No way was I going to eat that way.  After about one month of feeling like I was going to puke after every workout, I knew it was time to change.  At first I decided to cut back on grains only.  Just by doing that I noticed some immediate results and I started to feel better.  Then when I saw that we were having a Zone challenge I knew I wanted to try it.  During those 30 days I weighed and measured, and 98% percent of the time it was paleo food.  I never imagined that by changing my diet it would change the way I feel, but it did, and now I feel better than I have ever felt. 
This has been life changing for you!  Overall, how has it affected your life outside of CrossFit?
  • -       I feel better, look better, and I am generally happier than I have ever been.  My wife, Laura, has now joined and it’s something we can do together.  Not only that, but I love the community and am starting to make some friends outside of the gym.  It has made my life better all around.
We love hearing that.  Okay, just a few more questions.  I would love to know what is going through your mind the moment before a WOD, when you hear 3,2,1….
  • -       I know I have to do it, and then I do it.  I try not to get wrapped up in the anxiety.  Sometimes I don’t want to come in after looking at the workout, but once I get to the gym I know it’s going to be fine.
Last question:  you mentioned some people on the white board you were chasing?  Care to mention any names?
  • -       No, not yet.  Once I get into RX club then I will really start chasing some people…like maybe Caleb!

1 comment:

  1. Anthony! LOVE your zest for life and improving yourself! Also glad Laura decided to join as well! Can't wait to see where your white board chasing takes you!!!!
