Monday, May 23, 2011

24"/20" box jump x 50
jumping pull up x 50
1pood kettlebell swing x 50
walking lunge x 50
knees to elbows x 50
45# push press x 50
back extension x 50
20#/14# wall ball shots x 50
burpee x 50
double unders x 50

compare to 12NOV10


  1. eeesh...the filthy 50. the name alone makes most CF'ers cringe coupled with faces of pain and suffering. can't wait to do it!

    the 50 is a chipper-style workout. chippers have a task objective priority and its up to you to dictate the time and how long it takes to accomplish the task. in this case, 50 reps each of 10 exercises. starting with the first task, you must complete all 50 reps of each movement before you move on towards the next movement. in essence, you 'chip away' at each movement, one repetition at a time, until the workout is complete.

    the idea is to accomplish all 10 tasks and all 500 reps as fast as you possibly can. having said that, you will also be required to perform each repetition with full range of motion. in this case, technique and intensity are not at odds...we need both.

    the last time we did the 50 at the box, we capped the workout at 35mins. today will be no different.

    if you have done this workout previously, let us know what your previous PR is/was, which movements in the 50 you hate the most (we all have at least 10 in this workout lol), and what your gameplan is in order to best your previous performance.

  2. First time Filthy Fifty..... Excited!!!!!!!!!

  3. joey joey are in for a wild ride my friend :)

    the last 3 movements alone are a sledgehammer to the kneecap! pretty cool they saved those 3 for last lol.
