Thursday, March 18, 2010


1. Take Action. Before you landed in this slump, you had goals, dreams, and lists of things you needed to do to accomplish them. At some point, you lost confidence in these ideas and stopped working on your projects and carrying out your dreams.
Well, it’s time to pursue those dreams once again. And you can do so by taking action. Ignore your feelings of lethargy and indifference and focus on making tangible progress. As you start checking things off of your “to do” list, you’ll feel better about yourself and the possibility of accomplishing your goals.
2. Ratchet Up Your Efforts. Working hard does not guarantee that you will accomplish your goals. But not working hard will undoubtedly ensure that you do not.
Be mindful of this when you’re deciding what to do for the day. Don’t simply drift along, waiting for your projects to make sense of themselves. Take control, make plans, and move towards them each day.
3. Pay Attention to People Who Have Succeeded. Just because someone else succeeded doesn’t mean you will. But it can provide a motivational example of path to your goal that has worked for someone else.
So, cast aside your doubts, stop telling yourself that you can’t do what others did–and instead take their examples for what they are: a source of inspiration and hope. And, most importantly, a means to get out of your slump.
4. Learn by Doing. If you’re faced with a complicated decision with no clear answer, one of the best ways you can move forward is to simply do, rather than thinking.
What do I mean by this? Instead of perseverating on the decision, pick one of the options in front of you; and move forward with your best effort to make it work.
If you fail ultimately, at least you can eliminate that path as a dead-end and then move forward with the other path.
5. Avoid Over-thinking. Thinking hard and carefully about many things is critical to success, but if taken to an extreme, it can become pathological. It can paralyze talented, driven individuals; and prevent them from attaining the success they would otherwise have.
So, next time you find yourself paralyzed by a decision, stop over-analyzing the situation–and just pick one path or the other.
6. Re-organize Your Work Area
. No matter what you do, it’s always a good idea to have everything you need organized and within close reach. Re-organize your work area, so that it is a productive environment, rather than a sprawling, disorganized heap of documents.
7. Start Afresh. One frequent source of slumps is boredom. If you’re unhappy with your current routine, it may affect your ability to work and to accomplish your goals. Consider switching your daily routine to something new that excites you and motivates you to accomplish new things.


  1. Kyle R. 183bw,
    Diane: mod 205#DL, band hspu. 7:54

    struggled this morning after st. patties day. thanks for the push guys.

  2. ryan w. 190.5bw
    Diane: mod hspu on last 4 reps of 9....14:??.....thanks for the push guys.....

  3. Active recovery

  4. Just saw the sectional wods for south europe. I can only smile. The wods from jax have made me strong enough for this.

  5. Steve C. 3/19/2010 for the last time...shift day! Today's wod was a tribute of sorts marking the end of an illustrious career and the beginning of a new one. So, in turn the wod had to be as epic as the aforementioned career. Let me first say that I cannot take credit for the design as that goes to Turbo but I will take credit as a co-conspirator.

    7 RFT
    Burpee bar jumps x 10
    225# GTO x 1

    rx. 12:02

    If I may I would like to get my excuses out of the way. Does it matter that this is approximately 92% of my 1rm or that I have been battling the flu all week? Too many I's in that sentence. There was nothing that was going to prevent me from enduring this battlefield with one of my brothers. Not to mention that I just witnessed Turbo and Russ accomplish the same feat this past weekend. We have shed sweat and blood together for the past five years, the least I could do is show up for this final test of human suffering. Pete did what he always does and strapped on his courage and entered yet another dismal looking wod with me as he does on a daily basis. And in the end he patiently waited for me to finish as his performance was a tribute in itself to his own dedication. Pete, I salute you and your tireless effort. Chapter 1 complete; standby for the rest of the novel.

  6. AM
    15 ohs
    10 tire flips
    3 rope climbs
    400m ohkeg
    30 kbs
    50 sledge hammers
    30 med ball cleans
    1000m row
