Friday, March 5, 2010


warm up
400m run

45#/22# thrusters x 10
push ups x 8
ball slams x 6

kettlebell swings
-1 arm
-1 arm w/ switch

then tabata mash up:
-american kb swing
-russian kb swing

65#/45# thrusters
rope slams

post time to comments


  1. Kyle R. 181BW. Rx/13:36

    Cant wait to see the times posted from today.

  2. YO! YO! YO!

    ralph. 9:?
    bou. 8:56

    Used 70# for thrusters and 28kg kbs instead of rope slams. (Rope wasn't heavy enough)

  3. turbo. rx. 7:04

    Roll that your Zig-Zag and inhale.

  4. i am still coughing. what a wod.

    i have always wanted to post a link to this short novel here. it is a Viet Nam story that was the basis of the movie - full metal jacket. it is online in pdf under the authors name gustav hansford. it is a great book. it has some of the greatest dialogue ever written. i am sure taht is why kubrick chose it.

    from "The Short Timers"

    During bayonet training Sergeant Gerheim dances an aggressive ballet. He knocks us down with a
    pugil stick, a five-foot pole with heavy padding on both ends. We play war with the pugil sticks. We
    beat each other without mercy. Then Sergeant Gerheim orders us to fix bayonets.
    Sergeant Gerheim demonstrates effective attack techniques to a recruit named Barnard, a soft-spoken
    farm boy from Maine. The beefy drill instructor knocks out two of Private Barnard's teeth with a rifle
    The purpose of the bayonet training, Sergeant Gerheim explains, is to awaken our killer instincts. The
    killer instinct will make us fearless and aggressive, like animals. If the meek ever inherit the earth the
    strong will take it away from them. The weak exist to be devoured by the strong. Every Marine must
    pack his own gear. Every Marine must be the instrument of his own salvation. It's hard, but there it is.
    Private Barnard, his jaw bleeding, his mouth a bloody hole, demonstrates that he has been paying
    attention. Private Barnard grabs his rifle and, sitting up, bayonets Sergeant Gerheim through the right
    Sergeant Gerheim grunts. Then he responds with a vertical butt stroke, but misses. So he backhands
    Private Barnard across the face with his fist.
    Whipping off his web belt, Sergeant Gerheim ties a crude tourniquet around his bloody thigh. Then
    he makes the unconscious Private Barnard a squad leader. "Goddamn it, there's one little maggot who
    knows that the spirit of the bayonet is to kill! He'll make a damn fine field Marine. He ought to be a
    fucking general."

    from "The Short

  5. Steve C. rx. 8:09

    This must be what a recovering smoker feels like.

  6. caleb.rx.7:40
