Tuesday, July 7, 2009


warm up
double unders x 30
squat thrusts x 15
box jumps x 30
clapping push ups x 15

squat progression x 10

overhead squat


12-9-6-3 for time of:
burpee box jumps
strict pull ups
2pood russian kb swings


  1. Bou.162#. 4:06
    Rob. 150#. 4:34

    Had to modify bb jumps to cfjax burpees. Didn't have the boxes today.

  2. congrats to the PR's that were set today! the ohs is a skill that has no equal. i can't think of another movement that embodies and demands so many attributes simultaneously in one rep. mastering this movement takes a lot of time and patience, but with diligence and hard work on form and technique, it can be second nature.

    the second portion of todays wod was left up to interpretation, meaning that it was up to the person performing it to make their own standards on the height of the box and the modifications to the pull ups and size of the kb. due to this, i will not post every person's time because of the different modifications. most times, we will tell you what to move, how far to move it and how many times to do so. but sometimes we want you to lead instead of being lead. most did it as prescribed using a 24" box; some with the 31" box. some used a 24kg american kb swing while several of us used the 2pood russian method. either way, you pushed through it and went as hard and fast as possible. the fastest time was 3:50 and the slowest at 9:12.

    caleb. 151bw. 205#pr
    harry. 241bw. 115#
    eric. 244bw. 95#
    kyle. 178bw. 175#
    dustin. 168bw. 150#
    katy. 100bw. 50#
    brian. 178bw. 157#
    ryan. 198bw. 135#
    steven. 170bw. 125#
    justin. 145bw. 85#
    lorena. 128bw. 60#
    kohl. 253bw. 135#pr
    turbo j. 160bw. 225#
    jon g. 152bw. 115#
    steve m. 185bw. 135# (congrats on your L1 cert!)
    lisa. 110bw. 75#
    aaron. 225bw. 225#
    scott. 177bw. ohs therapy
    brannon. 185bw. 115#
    todd. 220bw. 185#
    jenn. 117bw. 75#pr
    josh c. 197bw. 155#pr
    russ. 159bw. 230#pr

  3. Sick PR Chris!
