Wednesday, April 22, 2009

warm up
400m overhead keg run
alternating single arm kb swing x 20 @ 16kg
single leg jump rope x 50 each leg
25 c2b jumping pull ups
pvc x 10:
pass thru
full squat snatch

overhead squat
warmup sets 5 x 5
work sets 7 x 3
rest 5 mins
5 rounds:
5 x pull ups
10 x push ups
15 x air squats
5 x ball slams 20#/16#
10 x russian kb swings @ 2pood/24kg

post 3RM and time for score


  1. josh c . 185 . 115 / 8:13

    jv . 117 . 135 / 6:58

    r. reese . 230 . 135 / 12:37

    coogan . 195 . 85 / 12:52

    cav . 162 . 95pr / 7:10

    caleb . 155 . 185pr (195 x 2) / 5:28

    one-two . 180 . 145pr / 10:47

    rowdy . 176 . 155pr / 7:45

    justin . 180 . 140 / 7:12

    steve d . 158 . 95 therapy / 5:12

    miguel . 200 . 95 / 14:44

    lisa . 112 . 45 therapy / 8:34 jpu

    ICE todd . 183 . pvc therapy / 7:37

    ICE carey . 122 / ?? ?? check your notebook!! :)

    rey . 220 . 95 therapy / 6:09

    dr j . 180 . 165 / 5:17

    steve c . 160pr / 6:00

    ryan w . 198 . 125pr / 9:04

    kyle r . 186 . 100pr / 9:03

    brannon . 186 . 65 therapy / 9:53

    jenn . 115 . 65pr / 11:28 jpu

  2. aaron. 220. 175/rx 7:50

  3. The time for the 2nd half of the WOD for that day was 8:04!
    Carey - MotorCity Crossfit!
