Sunday, March 22, 2009


You have no right to bitch. Your sore hamstrings and screaming core are artifacts of high intensity compound movement, enabled by firm contact with Mother Earth and the primate’s gift of an opposable thumb. The very fact that your arms feel like lead and your legs like the business end of a propane torch is a gift of inclusion, given only because you have legs and arms to hurt.

The men of the Warrior Transition Battalion at Brooke Army Medical Center don’t know your pain. They brought guns to a bomb fight, and came home with fewer limbs than they packed, blown apart by the cowardice of other men.

Their pain is worse, one of exclusion, borne of wheelchairs and ramps, endless hours of physical therapy and prosthetic fittings, hobbled by the incessant need for painkillers. You will never know the agony that they’ve endured, first physically mangled, and then pitied, seen as victims of a botched War.

Luckily, they don’t share the viewpoint. An even twenty, enabled by the efforts of a young Lieutenant, are pursuing rehabilitation with revenge.

These men came to Alamo CrossFit to learn the tenets of CrossFit, supported by a crackerjack crew of trainers and an unrelenting need to go beyond the bounds of traditional recovery.

Placed in an environment where pity was gone and intensity was the only goal, I watched men do handstand pushups, femurs balanced against their wheelchairs, no feet weighing them down. I watched a Marine pull himself up a gymnastics ring, ripping as hard as he could while an unwieldy leg brace fought his every effort. I watched a man with no patella tendon sit into a full-depth squat, and a man with no legs clean a medicine ball from the ground.

These men, broken in body, were impossible to stop. The pain that we could inflict—jackhammering hearts, mental torment, and burning muscles—paled in comparison to the months of adversity that led them to our doorstep. They deadlifted and squatted, ran and pressed, displaying a fortitude far beyond our capacity to keep up.

Every moment hammered home a single point: You’ll be fine.

Remember that the pain is a gift, and men have overcome far worse. When your training results in injury, remember that there are those whose injuries dwarf yours by degrees of magnitude, men who would kill for the right to feel a strained Achilles or a jammed thumb. They will not quit regardless of the odds, and you will not disgrace their example.

The next time your muscles protest or you feel a callus give way, be thankful for the feeling, and the comparative ease with which you train every day. Be thankful for the gift that is your body, and the pain that it brings.

In Northern Texas, there are twenty men battling to reclaim lost capacity, showing the world that injury is not an endpoint, that sacrifice does not end in martyrdom. Their courage is physical and mental, and their lesson is one that will serve far beyond their lifetimes.

Their pain is unimaginable, but their message is easily understood: the struggle to become a better human being ends only in death. Don’t let them down.

- Jon Gilson, AgainFaster


  1. Jon,

    thank you for sharing your experience with our heroes. These men have not forgotten the reason they fight, for the American people and their freedoms. Thank you for sharing Crossfit with them and giving them the tools for the new fight they face. I am proud of each and everyone of them, and I see everyday on Crossfit pages that I am not alone.

    Johnny B/ Crossfit Torii Beach

  2. After reading the open letter from Jon, once again, does one realize how fortunate one really is.

    made up the wod from 20.3.2009
    Deadlifts / box jumps
    1)5:36 2)3:50 3)2:53 1)1:46

  3. The workouts posted on this website are insane! I'm currently in upstate NY and report to the Marine Corps, The Basic School in 1 month. I constantly humble myself after comparing to the times and as Rx'd workouts by the members at CFJAX.

    The great thing about functional fitness that I get out of crossfit, is when I step in front of my peers. The adversity you go through on a day to day basis makes you push new limits. I a am a much more efficient athlete that can withstand a hell of a lot more from less than a year of this type of training. I will never train the same after CFJAX.

    I wanted to post after today's workout. Made up from 12 MAR 2009. mod

    115lbs thrusters X 20
    95lbs X 40
    75lbs X 60
    45lbs X 80

    Times were as follows:

  4. johnny b-
    thanks for taking the time to post. awesome to know crossfit is going strong in the land of the rising sun.

    rob germany-
    that deadlift/box jump wod was a kiss on the 'ol glutes and hammies lol.

    josh b-
    good to hear you're doing well brother. the JU group is still going strong! keep us posted on your doings and whereabouts. needless to say, your legs will be french toast after that workout.

    jon gilson is an awesome trainer and runs/operates AgainFaster. He also has insightful articles over on his website at so read through when you have the's time well spent.

  5. WE did Saturdays WOD here at CFHB since we run a day behind you guys.

    name/weight/round 1 /2 /3 /4 / 5 / obstacle time.

    Fleming 210- 6.1 /4 /3.1 /2.1 /1.1 / 3:10
    D-Nasty 125- 7 /5 /4 /3 /1.2 / 4:13
    Scotty B. 200- 5 /4 /3 /2.1 /1.2 / 4:21
    Eric W. ???- 6 /4.1 / 3/ 2.1 /1.2/ 4:20
    Another Trainer (Steve M.) did the obstacle course too in 3:03

    D-Nasty and Scotty had to sub KB swings for pull ups in the WOD due to bad hands. Plus we altered our obstacle course a little bit different from you guys because we dont have monkey bars. I had the guys, and girl do 1 pull up on every pull up station in our box. Plus the bag pull was at 135lbs.
    More and more people are seeing us work out and are loving what they see. Keep up the Good Work!!
