Monday, July 14, 2008


5 rounds for time
135# deadlift x 15
135# hang power clean x 12
135# front squat x 9
135# push jerk x 6
post time to comments


  1. 15 ballcleans/15 pushups 5 rnds
    james 8:53
    brandon 8:41
    kyle 8:53
    ben 10:17

    rx'd wod
    kibbie 115# 27:22
    cody 95# 20:30
    christian 115# 28:01
    todd g rx'd 37:21
    chris j 115# 39:31
    trace 45# 22:05
    jabari rx'd 38:37
    solista rx'd 17:01
    jon g 115# 16:56
    swaygo rx'd 25:09
    josh rx'd 29:23
    jeff 115# 34:25
    matt cindy 9rnds
    dr. j rx'd 25:29
    mf 95# 36:22
    andy 115# 28:10
    russ rx'd 20:07
    ed velasco 49:27

    Thanks to crossfit east for this insanity. It has to be one of the top five most challenging wods I have done. This one will definitely go on the open line friday board for those who dare.

  2. i did this wod over 4 hours ago and i'm already getting sore...cant wait to take that first step out of bed tomorrow morning! one word - SOMATOMAX!

  3. who are all these people?
