Wednesday, June 4, 2008


7 sets of the sequence for 5 rounds:
- Power Clean
- Front Squat
- Push Press
- Back Squat
- Push Press
Find your max load in the 5th round. No resting on the ground between the 7 sets (not even to re-grip). Post load for score.

Steve 95#
Brad 135#
Christian 115#
JV 95#
Chris J 85#
Jon 100#
Jhay 85#
Andy W 110#
Zach 145#
Owedubb 95#
Cory 70#
Amber 65#
Ryan 120#
JB 155# (failed on set 5 of 160#)
Todd 135# (failed on set 3 of 155#)
Alex 115#
Colleen 45#
Lesko 95#
Rodney 105#
Josh B 105#
Josh G 115#
Jason H 105#
Swaygo 135#
Dr J 135#
Russ 135# (failed on set 4 of 155#)
Meghan 75#

Jarrod - 'Cindy' 12 rounds
Robby - 'Cindy' 11 rounds
Ben - 21/15/9 55#SDLHP, Pull Ups, 65# Thrusters - 13:00

CFJ welcomes Jarrod and Robby to the mix! We look forward to seeing again soon...

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